Rising Star Border Collies


Herding Regulations (AKC)

American Herding Breeds Association Regulations (AHBA)

Australian Shepherd Club of America Regulations (ASCA)



CH PACH Rising Star's Keepin' It Classy CDX RN OA OAJ PAX MXP3 MJP4 MJPB MXPB APD NAC TN-O TG-N STDs HSAs VX Chx- "Casey"

Casey finished her HSAs title with a 2nd place and 3rd place labor day weekend, 2011.

To see more pictures of Casey herding CLICK HERE

BISS GCH CH OTCH U-CD Rising Star's Dancin' In the Moonlight UD OA OAJ NF TKA PT OM1 RA STDs PD SPK SPJ SPG V- "Andi"

Andi got her ASCA started sheep title on October 18, 2013!

To see more pictures of Andi herding CLICK HERE



CH Fidelis Joie De Vie RN PT - "Paris"

Paris finished her HT and PT in 2004 with four straight passes.

U-CD Robinson's Lyric CDX RE HT NAP TNS-E WV-N OAC OJC NCC V -"Lyric"

Lyric finished her HT in 2004.


CH Lochkeen Once In a Blue Moon CD HT - "Luna"

Luna finished her HT, with back to back Passes, and had one leg toward her PT, before her tragic passing.




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