Rising Star Border Collies


Agility Guide for Beginners (AKC)


Agility Regulations (AKC)

Agility Regulations (USDAA)
Agility Regulations (NADAC)

Agility Regulations (CPE)



CH MACH PDCH Jule Too Bit O' Spring Fever MXB MJB CD RA OF WV-E TN-E EAC EJC OCC TG-E - "Tulip"

NEW MACH!!!! November 25, 2011!!!

CLICK HERE to watch the runs.

Tulip finished her PDCH at the BARK trial on
January 9, 2011!

CLICK HERE to watch the run.




BISS GCH CH OTCH U-CD Rising Star's Dancin' in the Moonlight UD OA OAJ NF TKA PT RA OM1 STDs PD SPK SPJ SPG V - "Andi"

Andi finished her OAJ title on 3/3/12!!

CH PACH Rising Star's Keepin It Classy CDX RN OA OAJ PAX MXP3 MJP4 MJPB MXPB APD NAC TN-O TG-N STDs HSAs VX Chx- "Casey"

Casey is enjoying herself in the preferred AKC classes and finished her PACH on June 8, 2014!!


U-CD Robinson's Lyric CDX RE HT NAP TNS-E WV-N OAC OJC NCC V -"Lyric"

At 11 1/2 years old Lyric still loves to play. She finished her OAC and TNS-E at the Northeast Agility Enthusiasts trial on June 13, 2009!



RNC MACH3 Rising Star's Leap of Faith CD RM3 RAE4 MXB2 MJB2 MXP XF T2B2 - "Bounce"

Bounce recently finished her MACH on March 9, 2014!!

CLICK HERE to see videos.

CH ADCHWayside Catch a Rising Star MAD-"Fresco"

Fresco recently finished his USDAA ADCH title!!!

CLICK HERE to see video.




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